Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Two Women Barn Bazaar south of Spokane, WA

At the Two Women Barn Bazaar near Spokane, WA
It is a country setting with lots of out buildings.
Someone said there were 40 venders.
Sandi is having fun visiting with one of the venders, Audri, from Audri's Attic.  We
were interested in the large gold mirror in the background.
The mirror did come home with us.  Ya!!!!

Along the way we ran into some old friends looking
for great finds.  Here Sue is holding her find of the day-a
wooden garden angel.  They were going to find a way to
put a stake on the back for the garden.

Sandi is having just too much fun.  Every time I turned around
she was telling another vender about our store and our new
blogspot.  Aren't the flowers on the right cute.  They would be good
for the gardener with a brown thumb.

These gentlemen were enjoying the shade by one of the out
buildings.  The band was about to start playing in the back
ground.  This just shows how laid back this event was.  Lots
and lots of people and cars, but everyone is having a great

The first booth beyond the entry gate is full of wonderful
herbs and plants in little burlap sacks, old enamel basins, pots and buckets.  They are a return
vendor to this event and I can't wait each year to see what they come
up with next.  I have bought lots of lavender from them
in the past.

Needless to say Sandi and I had a great time and spent way too much money.
As our blog says we really enjoy shopping and finding the deals.  Many of the deals
that we found this day are not for the store, but are for our own homes.  I am hosting
a graduation party for my senior son on June 2nd and I just knew that some of
these would be great patio decorations.  I will let you know how I incorporated them

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