Cool bar for the store |
Look at the awesome bar that is at auction tonight! Sandi and I are taking off after I get done teaching school and are heading out to see if it looks as cool in person. The back side is set up for wine bottles and glasses. We would have to alter this, but that could be done. The top is a gray granite. Can't you just see it as a check out site in the new store.
Wish us luck. There were another couple of items that were calling our names to repurpose and paint, but it is all up to the bidding.
Sandi and I are becoming addicted to auctions. If the bidding isn't entertainment enough, watching the people is great fun!
From Sandi: I don't know what she means by "becoming addicted" to auctions. I think it's a done deal!
It's ours, it's all ours. Yes, Nancy and I won this beautiful heavy oak and marble bar at the auction tonight. Did I mention it's heavy? It will be our new check out counter. Sadly, the wine storage will have to go. Luckily, it just slides out. We won it for less than we were willing to pay, that's always good. And the stools came with it, an added bonus. A chick has to perch sometimes! Can't wait to get it into the store. The stools fit in the back of the Tahoe, but I'll have to go back and PU the bar. IF I measured correctly (that's a big IF), it will go in the back with an inch to spare.
Our new business cards arrived today, so things are coming together. The sale at the old location is going well which means less to move. We'll be painting like fiends for the next few weeks, getting more furniture ready to go in. We have some vintage lamps we'll be readying, too.
Heading out tomorrow on a research mission; checking out the latest trends and hot items in the Spokane area and getting ideas for even more great items for the store. We'll probably HAVE to have lunch at Chaps, a great restaurant owned by our friend who also owns Pink, a trendy decor boutique in downtown Spokane. Dining at Chaps is always a treat and their baked goods are heaven on a plate.